Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Racism - Reflection

Racism. There are still many issues about this, especially in the multiracial country, like Malaysia (which is where i stay :D). Before getting on, we need to understand this keyword: racism. Where What When Who How. Many questions. Lets answer each and every one of them.
Where? Everywhere, worst cases in United States.
What? Racism is a discrimination act towards other races, like Negros.
When? from BC till now, serious during the 20th century .
Who? many people has had the mindset that the blacks are slaves, and things like that.
How? from light offences like swearing at them or stereotyping them to as bad as kill or torture.

Racism. Singapore is quite lucky and good to have sure a harmony society. In Malaysia, things are quite different. I shall not talk too much as problems would arise, but i will say this: the Malays are racist against the Chinese and Indians. Racism often occurs when the majority of one's country felt threatened. Just like in the United States.Just like in Indonesia. Just like in England. So many true and life examples for you to choose, and yet people doesn't learn. Feels sad to still have people like this in the world.

Burning Mississippi had just lightened and burned the thought of racism in me again.Again? Yes. Since young, many stories in the Chinese community had been circulating around and children like us had heard so many of the same ones. However, the young mind has not start to think critically yet. Now, as I see this movie, many thoughts of racism came back. Take a look at Malaysia. What a perfect country. No disasters, no war, cooling in all 365 and 1/4 days. However, this teeny problem had just ruin one of the most enjoyable place in the world.

Lets think of it. Why be racist? Just because they have a different culture? They are different from you? Or is it just because other people had did the same thing which is important? I had no suitable reason for one to be racist, other than your personal opinion. Jealousy? Different? Shame? So many questions, but one answer: racism is bad. Let the whites in the 20th century understand: who built your house? who did all the hard work and who slacked there and said that they were unreasonable? Ironic. Think, people. Lets switch places. If you were the Negros and they were the whites, would you like them to do this to you? Any sane mind would not want it. So why do it to others when you dislike it being done on you?

In conclusion, i think that racism can be eliminated if only people start to think for others. Just that easy. Racism can lead to no benefits or win. Look at the Civil War. Both sides lost and United States just got weaker. Therefore, stop racism. Racism is no good value.


  1. I agree with most of your points on racism. However, I disagree with you that the racism in Malaysia is similar to that in the United States. In the United States, the severity of racism is to the extent that even the law is useless. However, in Malaysia, we may still convict the Malays for doing the wrong things once we have enough evidence. And also their actions are not as extreme as that in the United States. They are merely treating the Malays better.

  2. Yes I agree with you that racism does no good, look at a country like Malaysia, it's poor performance in economy is because of it's emphasis on Malays although the Chinese are much more talented and hard working than the Malays, however, the Malays get all the slots in universities in Malaysia and that leads to poor performance. I am not saying that Malays are not good but in Malaysia, 75% of the wealth is owned by 15% of Chinese, is that enough statistics to show the problem in Malaysia's racism
