Thursday, February 25, 2010

Cross Country

Lucky not another week of dull school again! There was a cross country held by my school and there was NO SCHOOL that day! How cool was that! Anyway, everyone must go to school to do the there is no much difference than a normal day.
On that day, everyone wore the school PE shirts, so it totally looks like everyone is coming for some fun in school. There was tents on the terraces, so it was comfortable sitting there with some wind blowing at us.
After we did the daily routine, the cross country opening ceremony started by celebrating the Youth Olympics which is held in Singapore this year for the first time. The representatives from the 4 consortiums, Aphelion, iSpark, ProEd and Ortus, which organized this ceremony passed a fire torch just like the Olympics around the field then to the principal, which lighted up the light at the stage(the fire was distinguished once, haha).
Before the "big thing", we did some warm ups. Then, we Sec 1s run first as we are the slowest. We need to run 3km. Not very long, but it's really tiring. There is also 6 pupils from each class to run the competitive run(I was one of them...), while the others run the mass run. After the horn was blown, the pupils in the competitive race run first. I was the front few in the starting, but my low stamina made me got slower than other competitors.
Along the way, there are some Cadet Corps standing there to see if we didn't cheat. There are volunteers who also stand along the road to give out water. Some of us took it, some of us didn't. At the end, I sprinted to overtake the few people ahead of me, but I almost vomited. They told me I was the 20+th place, and they gave me a keychain printing "Top 100 Sec 1".
After the run, me and my friends went to the terraces to rest while watching other people finishing the race. Then, the Sec 2,3,4 and the teachers run after us. We can see how fast they run and how slow some run. Then, we went to the Milo stop to get Milo drinks for FREE. There was lots of students, of course, and queue-cutting is so common if son't cut, you don't get to drink. I was a little greedy and took 3 cups at a go but spilled half of them.
The last, but not least, is the prize giving ceremony. The top 10 of all secondaries get a individual prize and the 6 competitors get a team prize of they fun fast overall. At half past ten, we was dismissed. We went back to the hostel to rest.
Although I didn't get a prize, but the keychain and the Milo was worth it. Now I know my stamina is quite low, I need to train more.....

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