After reading the literature book assigned to us, we did a poem to familiarize with the characters in the story. We did Miss Maudie, Scout's lovely neighbour which had affected her quite a lot in the story.
Miss Maudie
Miss Maudie hated her house,
Time spent indoors
was time wasted.
She was a widow,
A chameloen lady who worked,
in her flower beds.
She loved everything that grew
On God's earth,
even the weeds.
She made the best cakes in the neighbourhood,
She would call across the street :
"Jem Finch! Scott Finch! Charles Baker Harris! Come here!"
Our promptness was always rewarded.
When her house caught fire,
She stared at the smoking
Black hole in the yard,
She deed not seem to want to talk.
But the shadow of her old grin crossed her face.
"You ain't grieving, Miss Maudie?" I asked.
"Grieving, child? I hated that old cow barn"
"Thought of setting fire to it a hundred times to myself."
Jem said he didn't know what was the matter with her,
that was just Miss Maudie.
Done by Akira and me of course
Summary of Dracula
14 years ago
A nicely done poem indeed!