Saturday, January 16, 2010

Second week in the school... second week in school. What happened to the first week? You ate it?(Actually our school started one week later, so hehe...)What so great in the first week of school? Nothing great..... Now that I am in the secondary school, it would be different with the primary school. Just the orientation blah blah, then learn more things about the school, then....... Now in the first week, we freshies don't really know about the school. The teacher did introduction about the lesson because it's reallly different from the primary school, this this that that...... but the recess is great! It's easy to get lost now, you know, and fortunately, I didn't get lost, but my friend went to the carpark, and it ended really great! Other than that, I also know more people here, some cool ones, but some not really good ones. Ok, the first(I mean second) week has nothing much, so don't expect me to write so much.

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