Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Third Week in School............

One week has passed. So it's the third week now, hope everyone has settled down in their respective school..Wait a minute...You don't know my school. Guess....Ok, I'm in Hwa Chong Institution. Nothing much to be in that school, but i stay in the boarding school. Fun??? Hmm...that will be a topic later, ok?
Third, settled down, had nothing much, just got to familiarize with the surroundings around me. So after some intros we get into the real lesson and OH GOSH! The amount of the homework almost kill me (usual sentence) but eventually I managed it and ok now, secondary school is REALLY different from the primary school and we need do adapt into it fast. So the LA lesson which made us have this blog. LA for Language Arts, its not about English, but more to literature. So i have this literature called "Flowers For Algernon" (you know it though my last post)it's about a mentally challenged guy, and blah blah. And then I landed on this blog. History? No, just telling you, for your information. So the classes were normal (if not?!), there was not a lot of subjects to learn, but some peculiar ones, like Arts and Acts of Persuasion (AAP) and Research Studies for this Projects Day Competition.
So, after school, I go back to the boarding school to rest and do my work there. Quite busy,seriously. Nothing weird going on, but later there may be some.Be right back.....

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Flowers for Algernon

3. You are a reporter covering scientific news Conduct an interview about the outcome of the Algeron-Gordon experiment with Miss Kinnian. Your transcript should capture the essence of the character and her motivations. (What is that?) This is my homework for this book called "Flowers for Algernon".

Ray(Me!=)): Good morning Miss Kinnian.

Miss Kinnian: Hello, may I help you?

Ray: I want to interview you about the Algernon-Gordon experiment.

Miss Kinnian: OK, go on.

Ray: Why was Gordon chosen to do the experiment?

Miss Kinnian: Oh, he was chosen because he was a good motivation.

Ray: What does Charlie see the first time he is given the Rorschach Test?

Miss Kinnian: He sees nothing but the inkblot only.

Ray: How does Charlie feel about Algernon before the operation?

Miss Kinnian: He feels that Algernon is very clever because of the operation.

Ray: Is that why he wanted to have the operation?

Miss Kinnian: Yes......

Ray: Are there any signs of Charlie getting smarter after the operation?

Miss Kinnian: It is not obvious but he can learn things faster when the time goes by.

Ray: Ok, then how did he lose his job?

Miss Kinnian: Oh, I'm not quite sure, but his progress report said that it is because he is too clever and his coworkers cannot make fun of him anymore.

Ray: After the death of Algernon, what happened to Charlie?

Miss Kinnian: He must have found out that it will be the same on him later

Ray: Did he take any action?

Miss Kinnian: Erm... yes, he tried to remember things around him out no avail.

Ray: How do you react when you saw him coming back to school?

Miss Kinnian: I was suprised when he came back but shock *sniff*after knowing this happening.

Ray: Ok, I hope I didn't offend you, but I think i better go now.

Miss Kinnian: Oh, it's ok. But if you want to go, I can bring you out.

Ray: Goodbye, and thanks for the interview.

MissKinnian: Welcome.

And this concludes my 'interview" and my homework. I hope that you're not bored to death, and thanks for reading.........

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Second week in the school... second week in school. What happened to the first week? You ate it?(Actually our school started one week later, so hehe...)What so great in the first week of school? Nothing great..... Now that I am in the secondary school, it would be different with the primary school. Just the orientation blah blah, then learn more things about the school, then....... Now in the first week, we freshies don't really know about the school. The teacher did introduction about the lesson because it's reallly different from the primary school, this this that that...... but the recess is great! It's easy to get lost now, you know, and fortunately, I didn't get lost, but my friend went to the carpark, and it ended really great! Other than that, I also know more people here, some cool ones, but some not really good ones. Ok, the first(I mean second) week has nothing much, so don't expect me to write so much.